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Merging Contemporary Design and Pre-Columbian Inspiration

Artists Miguel Andrade Valdéz did a solo exhibition in his hometown Lima, had his home featured in New York Times T Magazine and developed the design studio Taller Tarapacá. Look out for the webshop of Taller Tarapacá which will launch in 2023.

In the years since Andrade and Ortega met in 2018, the house has been transformed from a Brutalist mass into something more precise and humane. Together, they sheathed the structure’s second floor in pale pink washed terrazzo, dissolving the heavy box into a Cubist cloud. To keep from overstimulating himself, Andrade initially left most of the interiors blank, though they’re now filled with prototypes made by a design collective called Taller Tarapacá that he and Ortega founded in 2019 along with the 32-year-old industrial designer Paula Cermeño León (who helped Andrade turn his first sketches for the house into usable plans) and the 35-year-old textile designer Mozhdeh Matin. (Michael Snyder NYT T Magazine, Aug. 9, 2022)