Insider Editorial No. 3
Sofia Bertilsson Sofia Bertilsson

Insider Editorial No. 3

The Insider Editorial No. 3. December 2020. Authenticity and Security – SmartStamp Provides Smart Tech for Art & Collectibles. Danish Design. Better Lives With Vandkunsten. Keeping the Legacy Alive – Utzon Center in Aalborg. Martin Puryear in a Beech Forest in Sweden.

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Vandkunsten gives us Better Lives
Sofia Bertilsson Sofia Bertilsson

Vandkunsten gives us Better Lives

Let’s live smaller-scale, better lives. Let’s share more. Invite nature in. Let’s take charge, together. Leave things alone and see the beauty. Does it sound like the credo of our times? Yes but the fact is that it is our times that finally have caught up with Danish visionary architects behind Vandkunsten Architects, who call themselves a studio for drawing and work under a name that means “water art” or “water feature” such as a fountain. In fact those are the principles that Vandkunsten has been using since the 1970’s. At Utzon Center in Aalborg, Denmark, a major exhibition explores Vandkunsten and the Danish interiors magazine Bo Bedre (Better Lives) and their influence on Danish architecture and interiors since the 1970’s.

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Two people stands in front of lush green plants holding a large sculpture in the shape of an abstract face.

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