Q & A with Juli Cho Bailer, CEO and Co-Founder, SmartStamp.
Sofia Bertilsson Sofia Bertilsson

Q & A with Juli Cho Bailer, CEO and Co-Founder, SmartStamp.

In this Q & A we get to know Juli Cho Bailer, CEO and co-founder of Smartstamp and the technology behind the Swiss tech newcomer. They set an impressive new standard in authentication and brand protection for the art world, safeguarding the art and collectibles markets that have a growing problem with counterfeit works. With technology that is as easy as taking a picture with a mobile, it delivers contactless authentication and ID for artworks — providing security for all stakeholders in the art and collectibles market. It is available as an App and API for both retail and enterprise users.

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Two people stands in front of lush green plants holding a large sculpture in the shape of an abstract face.

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