DI/S Case Studies: Chroniques - Market of Digital Imagination
DI/S - Digital Inter/Section, a multiyear project supported by Creative Europe, has released four case studies of new business models for digital arts organisations and the creative sector. One of the partners is Chroniques in Marseilles known for the Biennale des Imaginaires Numériques across the south of France. The case studies and other tools are available as open source through the project’s website.
Market of Digital Imagination is an unprecedented event for professionals in the cultural and creative industries, new technologies, and digital creation. Photo credit ©Pierre Gondard
Chroniques, Marseilles, France
DI/S Case Study Chroniques - Market of Digital Imagination Fair
Chroniques’s case study evolves around its newly established Market of Digital Imagination Fair (MIN), an event for professionals in the cultural and creative industries focused on new technologies and digital creation. A key takeaway from it is that the development of MIN supports Chroniques’s advocacy to convince public decision-makers of its cross-sectoral role, in particular by mobilising public funds earmarked for economic growth, not only for the cultural sector. Link to the full case study below.
The Market of Digital Imaginaries (MIN) is an event for professionals in the cultural and creative industries focused on new technologies and digital creation.
The marketplace deepens the connection between art and technology, foster R&D, and cultivate innovative partnerships. Building on the Biennial of Digital Imaginaries, an artistic event, the Market of Digital Imaginaries (MIN) capitalises on the organisations’s ability to break down barriers and bring different economic sectors together. By connecting artists, tech innovators, and cultural leaders, it is exploring sustainable models for visibility and collaboration. The Market of Digital Imaginaries (MIN) was initiated in 2024 and comprised two days of demonstrations, panels, masterclasses, keynotes speeches and pitches and offered the opportunity to meet hundreds of national and international professionals.
Realities in Transition EUproject- a project that defends and promotes in XR creation. Photo©Pierre Gondard
Digital cultures and organisations have developed around the very idea of networks and collaboration. The marketplace as a model encourages this to continue and allows for an event-based and experiential approach to the development of new B2B services. Chroniques is hybridising its revenue streams by generating B2B revenue and by developing a customer-centric approach.
A key takeaway from this case study is that the development of the Market of Digital Imaginaries (MIN) supports Chroniques’s advocacy to convince public decision-makers of its cross-sectoral role, in particular by mobilizing public funds earmarked for economic growth, not only for the cultural sector.
Establish clear values and objectives from the beginning because they will guide every decision.
Stay adaptable, because, during the year, we learned that digital creation and public funding are always changing.
To pay special attention to our community and the international audience because it’s really important to imagine always having the possibility to gather people to exchange ideas and new projects.
Bianca Farrugia, Production manager - MIN and Céline Berthoumieux, Co-director - Chroniques.
Building on the Biennial of Digital Imaginaries, the marketplace aims to deepen the connection between art and technology, foster R&D, and cultivate innovative partnerships. Photo credit ©Pierre Gondard
Download Chroniques - DI/S Case Study
Download the report The Business of Digital Art: Economic Models and Insights Into the Future on DI/S Digital Inter/Section website.
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